Being Overwhelmed
A Poem
What is this feeling,
That I am unable to describe
Love at first sight, I scoffed at
And yet, the first time I saw you,
I fell for you.
I thought I understood love
But it was only after I held you
In my arms for the first time,
That I felt a love so unconditional
As I never thought was possible,
I was ready to do anything for you.
Out of sight, out of mind,
I believed in;
And yet from the day you came into my life
I have thought of nothing else,
But you.
I thought possessiveness was an evil
But the first time you cried,
I felt protectiveness so strong
It made me sacrifice my sleep,
Bear pains I couldn’t even think about,
Just to keep you happy, healthy and safe.
What I couldn’t learn,
From lifetime of being a daughter,
From 11 years of being a lover,
One day of motherhood taught me!
From the day I felt u,
All my prayers have been about you!
How is it possible to feel so deeply
For someone
You don’t know
You haven’t seen?
And yet I felt as deeply
The day I found out about your being.
But it was only when
I saw you, I held you,
I picked you, I hugged you,
I fed you, I cleaned you,
I burped you, I kissed you
I realised what motherhood was!
A single smile from you,
Made all of it worth it!
And even when you cried,
I kept doing everything I could for you,
Without any expectation,
Even of a smile!
You were born from my womb
And I was born from your touch
I gave birth to you
And you gave birth to a mother,
A stronger, fiercer me.
You changed me irrevocably
The day you were born!
How is it possible,
To feel so deeply
About someone I have known
For only a day, a week
And now a month?